2021年CATTI 英语翻译实务翻译练习三

时间:2021-04-30 17:19:44 来源:网络

【摘要】 不管结果怎样,经历过,总会有结果的!考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年CATTI 英语翻译实务翻译练习三”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年CATTI 英语翻译实务翻译练习三”的内容吧!

2021年CATTI 英语翻译实务翻译练习三

One task is to redefine workers’ rights for an era of flexibility and service work. The size and novelty of the gig economy is of­ten overstated; taxis and food deliveries existed before Uber and DoorDash. But service-­sector employment, especially caregiv­ing, will grow as populations age. There is no place for the snob­bish idea that such jobs cannot be fulfilling, nor the related in­stinct that experimental models of work should be regulated out of existence. Instead governments should mo­dernise the guardrails provided by employment law, offer a universal safety­net and ensure that the economy is strong. If they do, workers will have the confidence and bargaining power to experiment and negotiate for themselves.


Productivity can also be unleashed by broad­ening access to opportunities. Many rich­ world labour markets are divided between the high­ and low­ skilled. That is tolerable so long as anyone can climb the ladder. Governments have a responsibility to ensure merit­ocratic access to education and sufficient opportunities for re­training. They should tear down barriers to entry such as need­ less occupational licensing rules—the legal and medical profes­sions, for example, should not be allowed to pull up the draw­ bridge to outsiders. It should be easy to experiment with new digital and cross­border business models.

拓宽就业机会也将进一步释放生产力。很多发达国家的劳动力市场技术构成两级分化,高技能和低技能的工作之间存在着鸿沟,但这个鸿沟并非不可跨越, 这也是人们长期以来能够忍受这种分化的原因。政府有责任保障教育和培训的机会均等,消除一些行业的准入限制,如不必要的证书等——法律和医疗领域不应该拿证书阻碍想要加入的人。尝试新的数字和跨境商业模式不应该困难重重。

But helping workers by boosting productivity must not be confused with self­-defeating attempts to protect them—as hap­pened the last time they had the upper hand, in the 1970s. Repa­triating supply chains, as Mr Biden would, will inhibit competi­tion and grind down living standards. Cranking up corporate taxes too far will reduce the incentive for firms to invest . For central banks to lose their inflation­ fighting credibility would be a disaster. Just ask the workers who bore the brunt of efforts to tame prices in the 1980s.


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