When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(三)

时间:2021-01-06 17:17:04 来源:网络

【摘要】 去年我们经历疫情,美国也重新选举了新的总统。今年愿一切顺利,考必过小编整理了关于“When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(三)”的信息,一起来看下“When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(三)”的内容吧!

When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(三)

When every vote counts


At home the picture is more complicated, but it contains lessons for both parties—and for their stewardship of America. The hardest message is for the Democrats. Their failure to take the Senate means that Mr Biden will struggle to pass bills or appoint judges. An infrastructure bill, health-care reform and environmental laws could all be blocked by Congress.


That failure partly reflects the Democrats’ inability to attract white, non-college-educated voters, especially in rural America. They also fared less well than expected among young African-American men and Hispanic voters in Florida and Texas. These losses undermine the Democrats’ assumption that, just because America is becoming less white and more suburban, they are destined to win elections. Rather, they will need to earn support by countering Republican claims that they are against free enterprise and that fringe obsessions with identity politics are becoming an oppressive Democratic orthodoxy.


Republicans face lessons, too. Trumpism has its limits. If they block all legislation in the Senate so as to discredit Mr Biden, it will mark yet another electoral cycle in which the gridlock and the zero-sum logic of partisanship prevent America from grappling with its problems. Republicans will tell themselves that discrediting the Washington machine helps the party that claims to stand for limited government—however swampy the Trump administration proved. That view is as short-sighted as it is cynical.


Red-lesson day


Those black and Hispanic voters who came over to their side this week suggest that Republicans can win minority support and that ethnic groups are not monoliths. Republicans are seduced by a dangerous identity politics of their own, which stirs up white fears of a multiracial country. How much better if they made a positive case for their party, seeking to expand their base by earning their share of the credit for, say, bills to reform criminal justice or upgrade America’s creaking infrastructure.


This election has once again shown that America is a divided nation. Many of its politicians set out to feed the divisions, and none has divided more than Mr Trump. We hope that his defeat will stand as a lesson that it doesn’t always work.


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When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(一) When every vote counts:选票结果如何影响美国未来(二)
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