2020年 CATTI 英语三级笔译实务试题 :票房市场、终身学习

时间:2020-10-20 17:31:48 来源:网络

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2020年 CATTI 英语三级笔译实务试题 :票房市场、终身学习

票房市场   box-office market

As the world's second-largest box-office market, China's box office sales reached 3.39 billion yuan in August, bringing the total box office for 2020 to 5.8 billion yuan. The number of moviegoers visiting theaters hit 95 million in August.

Chinese war epic film "The Eight Hundred" led the Chinese mainland box office in August, raking in more than 1.9 billion yuan since its release on Aug. 21. It is the first movie to make over 1 billion yuan in the Chinese market this year.



终身学习   lifelong learning

Around 94.5 percent of working young people in China said they maintain the habit of learning after graduation, according to a recent survey by the China Youth Daily.

In the survey, 97 percent of the respondents identified with the concept of lifelong learning, and 97.6 percent acknowledged its importance for personal development.

Lifelong learning leads to more opportunities and room for personal development, develops higher competence in the workplace and allows learners to keep in step with the times, according to the respondents.


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