
时间:2020-01-06 11:15:09 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加翻译考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了翻译资格考试高级(口译)历年试题解析二十-中华考试网,希望能够帮助大家通过翻译考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于翻译资格考试高级(口译)历年试题解析二十-中华考试网的具体内容如下:


  2004 年 3 月考题

  TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)

  Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  At a time when the public is being assaulted with unsolicited e-mail ads, California is about to launch the toughest counterattack in the nation. A law that goes into effect on Jan.1 allows computer users in the state to refuse unwanted solicitations en masse and sue spammers who violate their wishers for as much as $1 million.

  Those potent weapons for deflecting pitches that offer everything from bigger body parts to lower mortgage rates have attracted the ire of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mass marketers. Fearing the law will curtail advertising on the Internet, they are pushing for a far weaker national solution that would undercut the tough tactics in California and other states that are going the same route.

  But such self-interest is hardly enlightened. The growing flood of messages not only annoys PC users, it also slows the transmission of wanted e-mail and forces businesses to spend billions to combat spam.

  In fact, a survey released Oct.22 suggests the proliferation of pitches could hurt the very e-commerce these business groups say they want to preserve. The survey of computer users, funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, a non-profit group that studies public issues, found 25% use e-mail less because of spam. And 75% were reluctant to give out e-mail addresses, even to online retailers.


  ① At a time when the public is being assaulted withunsolicited e-mail ads, California is about to launch the toughest counterattack in the nation.


  考点:转态译法:省略被动词 is being assaulted with → 收到

  assault: n/v the act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another 侵犯人身的行为 (文中等价于 harass )

  正反译法: unsolicited → 未被恳求的(反译)


  省略表达法: ad=advert=advertisement






  ② A law (that goes into effect on Jan.1) allows computer users in the state to refuse unwanted solicitations en masse and suespammers (who violate their wishers) for as much as $1 million.

  译文: 1 月 1 日,加州通过一条法律,使得计算机用户有权拒收垃圾邮件,并对邮件发送者提出诉讼,要求最高达一百万美元的赔偿。

  考点:增词译法:增加主语: a law that goes into effect → 加州 通过一条法律

  定语从句的翻译:融合法: a law that goes into effect on Jan.1

  spammers who violate their wishers

  省词译法: en masse: all together 全体;一起


  正反译法: unwanted→ 垃圾(正译)

  借代( Allusion ): spam 原义为斯帕姆午餐肉(一种将碎猪肉挤成长方形的罐头肉制品商标),后来由于销售不佳则加大广告力度,使消费者产生审美疲劳。现在 spam 为兜售信息 [ 邮件,广告,新闻,文章 ] ,非索要信息,与垃圾邮件( junk mail )同义

  转性译法:介词→动词 for→ 要求

  ③ Those potent weapons for deflecting pitches (that offer everything from bigger body parts to lower mortgage rates) have attracted the ire of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mass marketers.



  deflect: turn sth/sb from its/his intended course of action 转变原定行动步骤


  ire: anger 愤怒

  转性译法:名词→形容词 ire →局促不安

  ④ Fearing the law will curtail advertising on the Internet, they are pushing for a far weaker national solution (that would undercut the tough tactics in California and other states (that are going the same route)).


  考点:分词短语的翻译:主语前置法: Fearing…, they… →他们担心

  具体译法:加字法: advertising →广告的发展

  curtail (同) : impede, obstruct, hinder, clog, block, encumber, hamper, retard, thwart, restrain, curb


  route: law

  ⑤ But such self-interest is hardly enlightened. The growing flood of messages not only annoys PC users, it also slows the transmission of wanted e-mail and forces businesses to spend billions to combat spam.


  考点:拆分:单词拆分句子: self-interest → 做法只考虑个人利益

  转性译法:名词→形容词 flood →潮水般

  wanted→ 正常 unwanted→ 垃圾

  抽象译法: billions→ 大笔金钱

  ⑥ In fact, a survey released Oct.22 suggests the proliferation of pitches could hurt the very e-commerce (these business groups say they want to preserve).

  译文:事实上, 10 月 22 日一项调查表明,垃圾邮件的泛滥使得商家苦心经营的电子商务严重受损。

  考点:转态译法:主被交换 a survey released Oct.22→10 月 22 日一项调查表明


  ⑦ The survey of computer users, funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, a non-profit group (that studies public issues), found 25% use e-mail less because of spam. And 75% were reluctant to give out e-mail addresses, even to online retailers.

  译文:据专门研究公共事务的非赢利性组织皮优( Pew )慈善基金会调查显示,有 25% 的人因为垃圾邮件的缘故减少了电子邮件的使用,而 75% 的人则不愿把自己的邮件地址告诉别人,甚至不愿意告诉在线零售商。

  考点:定语从句的翻译: a non-profit group that studies public issues


  Charitable Trusts → 公益信托;慈善基金会

  有灵动词与无灵动词转换: the survey…found → 据 … 调查显示

  正反译法: reluctant →不愿把(反译)

  增词译法:增加动词: even to online retailers → 告诉 在线零售商


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