
时间:2020-05-13 09:27:44 来源:

【摘要】 即使面前是荆棘也请坚持,加油备考,未来一定收到回报的。下面是2020年catti中级口译精选练习题(五),小编建议有准备参加考试的备考生一定要合理规划时间,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好考前准备。下面让我们看看2020年catti中级口译精选练习题(五)的具体内容:

吹风会 (advanced) briefing 出境游客 outbound tourist 出口信贷 export credit

纯净水 purified water

春困 spring fever (Drinking tea is a good way to prevent spring fever. 喝茶是预防春困的好办法。)

《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals

春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival

处世之道 philosophy of life

初为人母 first-time mother; new mother

次大陆 subcontinent

磁卡电话 magnetic card telephone

粗放经营 extensive management

粗放型 extensive form

粗加工产品 rough-wrought product

促 进 对 外 贸 易 多 元化 diversify our trading partners; promote the diversification of foreign trade

促 进 经 济 发 展 和 社 会 全 面 进步 promote economic development and social progress in an all-around way

促进区域协调发展 promoting the coordinated development of all reg ions

促销 promote sales; promotion

粗放经营 extensive operation

粗放式管理 extensive management

催泪弹 tear gas

促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy

促 进 文 化 市 场 健 康 发展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products

粗口 four-letter word

存储能力 storage capacity

“村村通广播电视”工程 project “extend radio and TV coverage to every village”

存量资本 stock of capital

村办企业 village-run enterprise

存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits

存款单 certificates of deposits

存款准备金制度 reserve against deposit system

存款准备金率 ratio of deposits, deposit-reserve ratio

村民委员会 villagers committee

错时上下班 staggered rush hour plan (More buses and trains needed for staggered rus h hour plan—As many as 800,000 commuters in Beijing will change their rush hour schedules as the new adjusted-work-hour policy kicks off on Monday. 错时上下班方案需更多公交和地铁列车配合——周一开始实行新的错时上下班政策后,北京80 万上班族的上下班的时间将有所调整。)

大案要案 major cases

打白条 issue IOU

大包大揽 take on all things

打包贷款 packing credit

打包儿 use doggy bags to take food home

大包干 all-round responsibility system

打保票 vouch for somebody; guarantee something

达标活动 target hitting activities

大病统筹 comprehensive arrangement for serious disease

大部制 Super-Ministry System

大包大揽 belly-worship

大酬宾 give a large discount to one's customers or guests

打出王牌 play one's trump card

大出血 make a big markdown

搭 错车 follow a wrong train; join in a wrong group; follow a wrong example; wron g act because of wrong judgement or rash imitation

大而全 large and comprehensive; large and all-inclusive

打翻身战 fight to change for the better

打工 do work for others

大规模杀伤性武器 weapons of mass destruction

大锅饭 egalitarian pract ice of everyone taking food from the same big pot

打黑 crack down on evil forces

大轰动 blockbuster

大环境 the social, political and economic environment; the overall situation

大换血 an overall renewal of the membership of an organization

打击报复 conduct reprisals; retaliate

打击非法投机活动 strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation


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