
时间:2020-05-13 09:27:38 来源:

【摘要】 即使面前是荆棘也请坚持,加油备考,未来一定收到回报的。下面是2020年catti中级口译精选练习题(四),小编建议有准备参加考试的备考生一定要合理规划时间,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好考前准备。下面让我们看看2020年catti中级口译精选练习题(四)的具体内容:

对口支援 pairing assistance

A new round of "pairing assistance" has been launched, with 19 provinces mobilized to alleviate pressure on cities in Hubei province hit by the novel coronavirus. The latest pairing effort,which aims to support 16 cities and prefectures in Hubei, was announced by the National Health Commission on Monday.


对口支援 pairing assistance

A new round of "pairing assistance" has been launched, with 19 provinces mobilized to alleviate pressure on cities in Hubei province hit by the novel coronavirus. The latest pairing effort,which aims to support 16 cities and prefectures in Hubei, was announced by the National Health Commission on Monday.


定点医疗机构 designated hospitals

The number of designated hospitals has increased to more than 40 in Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, local authorities said.All 12,000 hospital beds in designated hospitals as well as the two make shift hospitals, Huoshenshan and Leishenshan, will be used for the treatment of infected patients in severe and critical conditions, according to the Wuhanepidemic control head quarters.

Thecity has so far activated seven temporary hospitals converted from gyms andexhibition centers, which currently have 4,966 medical workers and 3,972patients.



慈善餐会 giveaway buffet (annual Thanksgiving giveaway buffet—Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa hosted the city's annual Thanksgiving give away Tuesday as similar charity events took place throughout the city, two da ys ahead of the official holiday. 洛杉矶举办一年一度的感恩节慈善餐会——洛杉矶市长本周二主持了该市一年一度的感恩节慈善餐会,类似的慈善活动在距离感恩节正式到来还有两天的时候就在全城开展起来了。)

此 地 无 银 三 百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.

次级抵押贷款 subprime mortgage

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

次级债券 subordinated bond

次区域合作 sub-regional cooperation

次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster

次新股 sub-new stock

磁 悬 浮 列车 Mag lev train (magnet ically levitated train), magnetic suspension train

从零开始 start from scratch

从群众中来,到群众中去 from the masses, to the masses

从众心理 group psychology

从众行为 the behavior of blind ly conforming to the norm

从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

凑份子 club together


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