
时间:2020-01-09 15:40:09 来源:

【摘要】 翻译考试是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定,对个人价值有着中重要意义,下面是2012年11月翻译考试口译实务试题点评-汉译英-中华考试网,有准备参加考试的备考生一定要抓紧时间,做好充足的考前准备。2012年11月翻译考试口译实务试题点评-汉译英-中华考试网的详细内容如下:



para 1 难词:扶摇直上—sky-rocket, soar

para 2外语学习网

另一位受调查者说,2004年,100元够他过半个月,而现在只够4天。 Another person interviewed observed that he can live half a month on 100 yuan in 2004. But now 100 yuan could last only 4 days.

自2004年以来,通胀率已经远远超过他的工资上涨的速度。 Since 2004, his salary raise could hardly catch up with the inflation.

para 3

中国约有一半人口生活在农村,其中许多人从事农业生产。他们耕种小块土地,或在院子里养几头猪、几只鸡。 Half of Chinese people live in the rural area and most of them take up agriculture as their livings, working on small patches of land and raising a few pigs and chickens in their court yards.

数百万类似小农户构成了中国农业分散的格局,这意味着中国的食品供应不稳定。 Millions of small farmers households make up the disperse structure of Chinese culture, which predicts the instability of Chinese food supply.

小农相比大型产业化经营的农场对市场价格的变化更为敏感,小农更容易受农畜疾病或天气变化所摧毁。 Compared with the large industrialized farms, the small farm are more sensitive to the market price changes and more vulnerable to farm animal diseases and weathers changes.

para 4

温家宝总理在大连访问低收入家庭和市场时对飞涨的物价表示关注。 On his visit to the market and low-income households in Dalian, Premier Wen Jiabao expressed his concern about the price surge.

他承诺政府将大力扶持养猪业,稳定猪肉价格,确保食品供应。 He promised that the government would stabilize the pork price through sponsoring the pig farming and guarantee the food supply.


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