
时间:2020-01-09 09:05:17 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加职称英语等级考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了职称英语《理工B》阅读理解历年真题精选(1),希望能够助力职称英语等级考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于职称英语《理工B》阅读理解历年真题精选(1)的具体内容如下:



Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they're usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.

Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy (树冠) of taller indigenous (土生土长的 ) trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren't any trees. With increased production come increased profits.

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local-wildlife habitat.

Native birds nest and hide from predators (捕食者) in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and"bird friendly". Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we're paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it's worth it.

31. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee.

B. Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce.

C. Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee.

D. People should buy shade-grown coffee.

32. The function of the word "Traditionally" in Paragraph 2 is to show __________.

A. the positive effects of coffee

B. a change of coffee growth

C. something that is the most important

D. how coffee production used to be

33. What does increased production of full-sun coffee bring about?

A. More insects.

B. Better quality coffee.

C. Larger farms.

D. Higher profits.

34. How do farmers find more land for growing full-sun coffee?

A. They buy more land from other farmers.

B. They cut down trees.

C. They move to another country.

D. They turn grassland into farmland.

35. The full-sun method may affect the following EXCEPT __________.

A. insects

B. air

C. birds

D. humans


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