
时间:2021-07-17 17:35:00 来源:网络

【摘要】 对坎坷的人生,需要用自己鼓掌来增加力量。增加成功的希望,增加胜利的自信。小编整理了关于“2021年BEC商务英语必备作文:备忘录”的信息,一起来看下“2021年BEC商务英语必备作文:备忘录”的内容吧!


To: Director

From:Pierre Aries, Office Manager

Subject: Reducing Staff

Date: June12, 2005

I have several proposals for cutting down on office staff. First, I suggest that we eliminate the full-time position of order clerk, since there is not enough work to occupy him thrughout the month. Orders and requests for sales information are heaviest at the end of the month. In contrast, there isf little to do the first two weeks of each month. Therefore, I recommend that we hire temporary help for the last two weeks of each month and give the orders from the first of the month to the sales departmetn to process.

Second , now that our systems are completely computerized, we no longer need a computer programmer on staff. It is true, we will need computer programming services occasionally in future, for instance, when we revise our billing system. In such cases, however, we can hire a freelance programmer

Third, I suggest that I share my secretary with the assistant office manager, thus eleminating one secretarial position. Although this will increase the managerial workload, I feel we can handle it. Moreover, we can always hire temporary help to get us through particularly busy periods.

If these suggestions are followed, we should be able to save approximately $26,000 in the coming year in salarires alone. So, I believe these changes will result in greater work efficiency.



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