
时间:2021-07-17 17:34:00 来源:网络

【摘要】 对坎坷的人生,需要用自己鼓掌来增加力量。增加成功的希望,增加胜利的自信。小编整理了关于“2021年BEC商务英语必备作文:可行性报告”的信息,一起来看下“2021年BEC商务英语必备作文:可行性报告”的内容吧!


Report on installation of a new word processing

On several occations, we have discussed the desiability of installing a new word processing system to replace the six-year-old stand-alone word processing system we currently use.

In installing a new word processing system the following identify the important characteristics that should be used in judging its desirablity.

a. The system should be expandable

One of the concerns that I have had for several years is that we can no longer obtain equipment identical to our present stand-alone equipment. Since we have the need for additional wroktations, a different brand of equipment will have to be purchased , which will destroy system compatibility if we continue to use the present stand-alone system

b. The equipment should be integrated

An efficient word processing system is integrated, which means that various pieces of office equipment-such as desktop computers, microcomputers, and terminals-are capable of being electronically attached to one another. Thus, each word processing station can also function in other ways-to prepare graphics, to maintian spreadsheet, etc.

c. The system should be capable of performing all word processing functions currently found

To purchase a system that cannot perform all functions is tantamount to purchasing a system that is several years old.

Among the alternatives available for installing a new word processing system are the following:

A. Replace the old stand-alone system with a new stand-alone system. While stand-alone system can be expandable, they cannot be integrated. Stand-alone systems are capable of performing all word processing functions

B. Replace the old-stand-alone system with a new intrgrated system. These systems are expandable , they can be integrated with other devices, and they are capable of performing all word processing functions

The recommended alternative is the installation of an integrated system since it possesses the essential characteristics that a new system should possess. The primary disadvantages of the integrated system are their cost and the installation time. Training time on both systems shoud be approximately equal.


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