
时间:2020-01-08 20:42:18 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加意大利语考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题(3),希望能够助力意大利语考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题(3)的具体内容如下:







  41. Many visitors were ________ to the sufferings of early Chinese miners in San Francisco.

  A) sweltering

  B) suspicious

  C) sympathetic

  D) swollen

  42.In the past, there seemed no reason to ban children from watching TV. In _______ times, however, there has been an increase in the amount of violence on TV.

  A) rough

  B) recent

  C) scenic

  D) royal

  43.Computers have taken the place of manpower in _______ years.

  A) rough

  B) recent

  C) scenic

  D) royal

  44.Some teen-aged boys are _______ , always looking for a fight to solve problems.

  A) rough

  B) recent

  C) scenic

  D) royal

  45.Without substantial power in hand, the _______1 members of Britain still enjoy a lot of prestige as well as privileges.

  A) scenic

  B) royal

  C) sheer

  D) sharp

  46. Renting National Park is noted for its ________ beauty.

  A) sharp

  B) scenic

  C) sore

  D) sheer

  47. The clock strikes three, so it is three o'clock ________ now.

  A) sharp

  B) scenic

  C) sore

  D) sheer

  48. I think the boy won the first prize by ________ luck, not by his ability.

  A) sharp

  B) scenic

  C) sore

  D) sheer

  49. I have a ________ throat. I guess I have a cold.

  A) sharp

  B) scenic

  C) sore

  D) sheer

  50.The residents left their homes _______ when ordered to get on the bus to go to a quarantine hospital.

  A) seem

  B) reluctantly

  C) smoothly

  D) skillfully

  51.The green leaves ________ more beautiful after the rain.

  A) seem

  B) reluctantly

  C) smoothly

  D) skillfully

  52. He declined my invitation ________ without hurting my pride.

  A) seem

  B) reluctantly

  C) smoothly

  D) skillfully


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