
时间:2020-01-08 20:42:13 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加意大利语考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题(4),希望能够助力意大利语考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题(4)的具体内容如下:







  61.Playing tennis is his favorite _______ hobby.

  A) reflection

  B) recreational

  C) religion

  D) refreshments

  62.The curious child stared at his ________ in the bedroom mirror.

  A) reflection

  B) recreational

  C) religion

  D) refreshments

  63.I treated my friends to a lot of ________ , like egg tart, short cakes, cookies and

  orange juice.

  A) reflection

  B) recreational

  C) religion

  D) refreshments

  64.Christian _______ is very important to American people's spiritual belief.

  A) reflection

  B) recreational

  C) religion

  D) refreshments

  65.In our society, aspirin is a very popular _______ for cold.

  A) requirements

  B) remedy

  C) researchers

  D) requirements

  66.To get the job, you must meet the following _______ ; you must be a male over 25, have a college degree, and speak English.

  A) requirements

  B) remedy

  C) researchers

  D) requirements

  67.Three years' working experience is one of the basic _______ of doing the job.

  A) requirements

  B) remedy

  C) researchers

  D) requirements

  68.When the serious infectious disease began to spread, medical _______ worked hard to find out a cure.

  A) requirements

  B) remedy

  C) researchers

  D) requirements

  69.He has a _______ for three nights at the hotel.

  A) resolution

  B) reservation

  C) responsibility

  D) responded

  70.Ever since he flunked math, he has showed tremendous _______ to catch up with the other students.

  A) resolution

  B) reservation

  C) responsibility

  D) responded

  71.I offered him a drink, and he _______ with a smile meaning "Yes."

  A) resolution

  B) reservation

  C) responsibility

  D) responded

  72.The soldiers never forget their _______ for protecting their own country.

  A) resolution

  B) reservation

  C) responsibility

  D) responded

  73.The captain felt that he should take full ______ for losing the game.

  A) resolution

  B) reservation

  C) responsibility

  D) responded

  74.NBA fans care about the _______ of the newest games. They would check out NBA.corn for the latest news.

  A) revelation

  B) results

  C) Revolution

  D) revenge

  75.The _______ of the political scandal threw the whole country into turmoil.

  A) revelation

  B) results

  C) Revolution

  D) revenge

  76.To take _______ on the Israelis, Palestinians turned to suicide bombings.

  A) Revolution

  B) revenge

  C) ruin

  D) roughness

  77.The French _______ changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

  A) Revolution

  B) revenge

  C) ruin

  D) roughness

  78.His ______ angered everyone present at the party.

  A) Revolution

  B) revenge

  C) ruin

  D) roughness

  79.Chain smoking and excessive drinking will _______ your health.

  A) Revolution

  B) revenge

  C) ruin

  D) roughness

  80. At the ________ of his own comfort, he allowed the guest to use his bed.

  A) salary

  B) sacrifice

  C) sculpture

  D) scan


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