
时间:2020-12-21 14:34:03 来源:网络

【摘要】 这次雅思听力第四部分有10道选择题!小编为大家整理了关于“考友考后分享:2020年12月19日雅思听考试答案”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“考友考后分享:2020年12月19日雅思听考试答案”的内容吧!




Part 1 岛屿旅游


1. local food: cheese

2. beach football

3. near the market

4. helicopter tour

5. watch film

6. rock climbing 或 tree climbing

7. a hostel of a village

8. some places good for fishing

9. camping

10. bring your towel

Part 2 骑自行车上班的好处

11-12 improve health & benefits environment

13-14 improve punctuality & make workplace a happier one

15-16 limited amount of money & equipment must be bought at approved stores

17. red bike shop B

18. yellow bike shop C

19. pink bike shop D

20. green bike shop E

Part 3 网站制作


21. the main purpose for people to use the internet is to save time

22. areas concerned privacy

Part 4 香水瓶子的发展历史


31. why perfume bing exhibited in the museum?

C. experts believe it is valuable

32. why did early European use perfume?

A. water shortage

33. wearing perfume can also be shown

B. for wealth

34. the perfume was named after

C. the person who invented it

35. about one perfume, which one is correct?

A. for loading cosmetic

36. one company produces a luxury perfume. Which part of the bottle is gold?

C. lid

37. one part of perfume bottle is designed to

B. avoid drying up

38. what is the relationship between perfume and the word “perfume”?

A. similar substance

39. what is the name for perfume bottle

A. sponge

40. The feature of Tiffany bottle

C. apply skillful crystal








Young people increasing admire media and sports stars even though they do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative trend?


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