
时间:2020-12-16 10:34:07 来源:网络

【摘要】 上周雅思考试已经结束,考必过小编为大家整理了关于“考友考后分享:2020年12月12日雅思考试答案”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“考友考后分享:2020年12月12日雅思考试答案”的内容吧!



Part 1 暑期兼职



1. come from Omerama


2. can use a ladder

3. can work under hot condition

4. must have good concentration


5. salary: 4.5 per bucket

6. cannot work if it is raining


7. salary: 13.75 per hour

8. 最忙的时候:January

9. 住宿的地方会提供laundry

10. transport: 即使没有car,也要有bike

Part 2 趣味铁人三项


11-15 填空

11. expected number of people: 340 this year

12. park in field

13. contact college

14. cycling 25 laps

15. old airport

16-18 匹配

16. section 1: through the town/farmland

17. section 2: uphill

18. section 3: through the woodland

19-20 填空

19. prize cup

20. chairman

Part 3 新西兰古老工艺品


21-25 选择题

21. Why does the shape of Hei-tiki look unusual?

B. difficulty in carving stones

22. Very few Hei-tiki are found in the archaeological site because

C. the villagers look after them carefully

23. What was Hei-tiki regarded by Moris people as

B. a communicating way to their ancestors

24. What are the distinctions between two types of Hei-tiki?

C. the position of hands to leg

25. What are the characteristics of a new type of Hei-tiki?

A. it has a metal setting

26-30 匹配题


26. sand: E. form the shape

27. stitch and string: A. used for cave details

28. bark: C. end

29. wax: B polish stone eyes

30. stone: G bond it together

Part 4 轮船公司


31-36 选择

31. where did he get ship experience?

C. first job

32. the company experienced

A. immediately profitable

33. why did he want to use mail contact to buy steam ship?

C. more reliable

34. what did he do when he won the bid?

B. opened a new company

35. why did he choose Boston?

A. once he worked there

36. what could be revealed about the 1844 event

B. Boston was not a good port location

37-40 填空

37. radio技术的出现使得航行中的communication更为方便

38. Newspapers were provided on board, so the passengers would not feel uneasy during the journey.

39. before 1912, people paid more attention to the speed of the ships

40. afterwards, poured more in the decoration, compared to hotels








Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


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