
时间:2020-11-10 17:32:30 来源:网络

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2020年英语三级笔译外刊学习(11 9)”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2020年英语三级笔译外刊学习(11 9)”的具体内容吧!


Is Pakistan really doing a better job of suppressing the pandemic?


In statistics if not in cricket, India tends to trump its perennial rival Pakistan. It is four times larger in area, seven times in population and ten times in GDP. Yet in the dismal realm of covid-19, bigger numbers are nothing to boast of. According to both countries’ official tallies, every week of the past month has claimed more Indian lives than the entire nine months of the pandemic have in Pakistan—some 6,500.


Whereas India’s burden is still rising by 70,000 new cases a day, Pakistan’s caseload seems to have peaked three months ago. Its daily total of new cases has remained in the mere hundreds since early August. India’s economy has also fared far worse. The Asian Development Bank predicts that its GDP will shrink by fully 9% in the current fiscal year, compared with a contraction of 0.4% for Pakistan.


“We have not only managed to control the virus, stabilise our economy, but most importantly, we have been able to protect the poorest segment of our society from the worst fallouts of the lockdown,” crowed Imran Khan, Pakistan’s prime minister, in a recent video address to the UN General Assembly. Meanwhile, ordinary Pakistanis are doffing masks and disregarding social-distance rules. “I didn’t fall sick and neither did anyone I know,” declares Irfanullah Khan, a grocer in Islamabad’s Najam market. “Now it’s over.”

巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗在联合国大会的视频中强调称:“我们不仅遏制了疫情的蔓延、稳定了国内的经济,最重要的是我们还保障了那些最贫穷的居民,让他们免遭封锁带来的巨大影响。”与此同时,巴基斯坦民众正在摘下口罩,社交隔离的规定也不再束缚他们。伊凡努拉·汗(Irfanullah Khan)是伊斯兰堡纳贾姆(Najam)市场里一家杂货店的老板,他说:“我没有感染新冠,我认识的人也都没感染。病毒已经过去了。”

Experts loudly chorus that such conclusions are wrong, yet they do concur that Pakistan is enjoying an unexpected reprieve. For weeks in late summer, international health officials were reluctant to accept that the rapid fall in cases as revealed by testing data could really be correct. Yet the proportion of tests coming back positive was also falling, as were the numbers of people being taken to hospital or being kept in intensive care.



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