【摘要】 2020年注定是不平凡的一年。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“有关2020年新冠肺炎疫情的写作素材:疫情防控常态化成为生活的一部分”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“有关2020年新冠肺炎疫情的写作素材:疫情防控常态化成为生活的一部分”的内容。
01、新冠肺炎疫情(the COVID-19 pandemic)
1. 常态化疫情防控成为生活的一部分
后疫情时代 the post-epidemic era
常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control
戴口罩 wear medical face masks
保持社交距离 keep social distancing
新冠疫苗 coronavirus vaccine
恢复国际直航 resume direct international flight to (Beijing)
入境航班 inbound flight
出入境检验检疫 entry-exit inspection and quarantine
直播经济 livestreaming economy
2. 疫情让人们开始思考探索更灵活的工作形式,寻找更多的工作机会
错峰上下班 staggered shifts
远程办公 remote work
远程会议 video conference
疫情让很多人开始寻找第二职业 “slash” career
成为斜杠青年 “slash people ”who juggle multiple jobs
3. 海外学习受困,在线学习起飞
校园封闭式管理 closed-loop campus management
上网课 online learning
海外留学 overseas study
留学签证 student visa
02、食物浪费(squandering food)
1. 食物浪费的现状
e.g. 据报道,中国每年浪费的食物足以养活2亿人。
It was reported that the amount of food wasted in China was enough to feed 200 million people a year.
Across the country, about 40% of all the food Americans buy ends up in the trash
With millions of households across the country struggling to have enough to eat, and millions of tons of food being tossed in the garbage, food waste is increasingly being seen as a serious environmental and economic issue. (New York Times, 2015.2.25)
2. 浪费食物引发的问题
e.g. 浪费食物等于浪费了生产和运输食物的资源;
Resources used to grow and transport food are squandered when veggies remain uneaten. 70% of the freshwater in the world are used in agricultural production.
e.g. 浪费食物产生的厨余垃圾,如果处理不当,对环境和人类健康有极大地危害。
Globally, it creates 3.3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases annually, about 7% of the total emissions.
3. 现阶段社会各界针对食物浪费做出的反应
e.g. 抖音、快手等各大短视频平台对吃播限流,整治假吃、催吐的“大胃王吃播”
暴饮暴食 excessive eating and drinking
假吃、催吐的“大胃王吃播” a big eating show that features fake eating and vomiting
整治吃播rectify livestreaming eating show
e.g. 饿了么、美团等外卖平台推出半份菜计划
外卖平台 food delivery platform
半份菜 a half-dish plan
倡议书 a proposal
减少食物浪费的行动 the campaign to eliminate food waste
“N-1”点餐规定 “N-1” ordering code
e.g. 培养个人健康的饮食习惯和节约粮食的理念
培养新的饮食习惯 cultivate new eating habits
Who knows the rice that feeds is the fruit of hard toil!
03、线上教育(Distance education)
1. 线上教育实施的可能性
e.g. 互联网的普及让线上教育成为可能。
互联网普及率 Internet penetration rate
远程通信 telecommunication
4G 信号基站 4G signal base station
2. 线上教育的优势
e.g. 线上教育摆脱了时间和空间的限制,让学生更容易接触到更优质的教育资源。
They can get a much broader array of course choices, most of which offer superior instruction with much more flexibility: you can view the lectures when you want, as many times as you want, wherever you want. (the Economist 2014.2)
3. 线上教育潜在的隐患
e.g. 线上教育会加剧教育不公平。
教育不公平 educational gap
The poorest kids don’t have laptops or internet connections.
Try it in a tiny, impoverished flat with no outdoor space, nowhere to go, no one to see and nothing to do, with the guilt of the god-awful slides on Google Classroom hanging over you.(the Spectator, 2020.6)
e.g. 线下教学有线上教育不可取代的魅力,老师们可以实体课堂上调动学生的热情,激发他们的灵感。
There is an irreplaceable magic in a live lesson, with its ability to motivate, cheer and inspire.