
时间:2020-08-28 00:27:25 来源:

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1.Which of the following statements is true of consideration?

A Past consideration is sufficient to create liability on a bill of exchange

B Suffering some loss or detriment is not valid consideration

C Consideration can be in the form of any act, even if that act is impossible to perform

D Performance of an illegal act is valid consideration


2. Which of the following is true regarding presumptions of intention to create legal relations?

A Parties in social, domestic and family agreements never intend to be legally bound

B Parties in commercial agreements never intend to be legally bound

C The presumption in all agreements is that the parties intend to be legally bound

D Any presumptions in regards to the intention of parties to be legally bound may be refuted and the burden of proof is on the party seeking to escape liability


3. Which of the following statements regarding consideration is correct?

A Performance of an existing legal obligation is valid consideration for the promise of additional reward

B Performance of an existing contractual duty is sufficient consideration for the promise of additional reward

C Performance of an existing contractual duty to a third party is sufficient consideration for the promise of additional reward

D Performance of an extra service in addition to an existing contractual duty is not sufficient consideration for the promise of additional reward


4. Which of the following statements concerning privity of contract is correct?

A Privity of contract means only parties to a contract may sue on it

B Privity of contract is not subject to regulation by statute

C There are no exceptions to the rule of privity of contract

D Privity of contract is only enforceable on commercial contracts


5. Which of the following describes the general duty of a promoter?

A Reasonable skill and care

B Competence and accuracy

C Due diligence




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