
时间:2020-08-28 00:27:11 来源:

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1. Which of the following is NOT an exception to the rule of privity of contract?

A A third party to a contract can sue for losses they incur under a contract if the losses are foreseeable

B A third party to a contract can bring an action under it if an implied trust has been created

C A third party to a contract can enforce rights under it if it is equitable for them to do so


2. Which of the following statements regarding intention to create legal relations is correct?

A Social arrangements are generally intended to be legally binding

B Commercial arrangements are generally not intended to be legally binding

C A contract will be legally binding if both parties intended it to be so


3. Which of the following indicates that the parties intend to be legally bound?

A A letter of comfort

B An agreement between a husband and wife to transfer property between them

C An agreement \'binding in honour only\'


4. Which of the following is a correct rule for valid consideration?

A Consideration must pass from the promisee

B Consideration must be adequate

C Past consideration is generally valid consideration

D Executory consideration is generally not valid consideration


5. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 sets out the circumstances where a third party has a right to enforce rights they may have under a contract.

Which of the following statements concerning the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is correct?

A The third party need not be expressly identified in the contract

B The third party need not be in existence when the contract was formed

C The Act confers rights to third parties under a company\'s constitution

D The Act confers rights to third parties under employment contracts




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