
时间:2020-07-24 06:28:52 来源:

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于口译笔译考试:口译中级真题的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下口译笔译考试:口译中级真题的具体内容吧!


 Americans have four primary avenues for making friends: at work, at school, through a hobby or a ________ (1) such as volunteer work and discussion group, or through a family or ________ (2).

  In American culture, a job is more than the work that one performs between the hours of 9 a.m. and ________ (3). Work becomes a major socializing influence. Many young mothers who ________ (4) their jobs to care for small children remark on the loneliness of their new lifestyles because they have lost their forum for ________ (5).

  A great number of American employers recognize business social ________ (6) and use it to build a family atmosphere on the job so that employees will feel ________ (7) in their work environment. Some employers arrange company get-togethers in their home or at a ________ (8). American companies have at least one ________ (9) annually, usually at Christmas time. Many corporations have ________ (10) where employees and administrators alike dress ________ (11) to play games such as baseball and volleyball.

  Top American administrators often hold social gatherings ________ (12). Depending upon the size of the employer's home and the number of ________ (13), these social gatherings may be picnics, pool parties, or ________ (14). If the company is large, an employer may hold what Americans call ________ (15). For an open house, the employer will invite his employees to come to his home ________ (16) between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. on a certain day. Those invited usually stay for ________ (17), chatting with the other guests and their host. People come and go ________ (18) during the designated hours, and the host keeps refreshments, usually, ________ (19) or hors d'oeuvres and beverages, available for all who come. For such social gatherings, it is considered ________ (20) the invitation unless you have an excellent reason.


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