
时间:2017-11-13 15:16:53 来源:

【摘要】 GRE网权威发布2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(7),更多2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(7)相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考


  • 新东方金牌名师直冲高分!2017年GRE考试全程课程火热开售中>>

      In the early twentieth century, small magazines and the innovative graphics used on them created the face of the avant-guard. It was a look that signaled progressive ideas and unconventionality because it dispensed with the cardinal rule of graphic design: to take an idea and make it visually clear, concise, and instantly understood. Instead, graphics produced by avant-guard artists exclusively for the avant-guard (as opposed to their advertising work) were usually difficult to decipher, ambiguous, or nonsensical. This overturning of convention, this assailing of standard graphic and typographic formats, was part of a search for intellectual freedom. The impulse toward liberation enabled avant-guardists to see with fresh eyes untried possibilities for arranging and relating words and images on paper.

      1. According to the passage, the primary purpose of conventional graphic design is to

      A. render unpopular ideas palatable to a wider audience

      B. capture readers’ attention with bold fonts

      C. communicate nonsensical notions to a wide public

      D. communicate ideas as efficiently and unambiguously as possible

      E. introduce previously unknown ideas to the general public

      For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

      2. According to the passage, avant-guard artists of the early twentieth-century created ambiguous or nonsensical graphics as part of an attempt to

      A. expand the potential for expression through visual art

      B. compete with advertisements for reader’s attention

      C. encourage the expansion of small magazines


      D A

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