【摘要】 GRE网权威发布2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(9),更多2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(9)相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考
GRE网权威发布2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(9),更多2017年GRE考试阅读模拟试题及答案综合整理(9)相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考试网。1. It can be inferred from the passage that men’s and women’s parades were similar in that both
A. were employed as rhetorical vehicles for social change
B. were regarded as violating contemporary standards of public decorum
C. made participants vulnerable to organized opposition
D. were largely ineffective as forms of protest
E. were intended by their participants as public declarations of solidarity
2. The passage suggests which of the following about proponents of the “rules of social order?”
A. They frowned upon public displays such as parades.
B. They had ulterior motives for objecting to women’s participation in suffrage parades.
C. They formed the core of the organized opposition to women suffrage.
D. They believed that it was unfeminine for women to march in suffrage parades.
E. They supported women’s rights to vote but disapprove some of the methods that suffragists employed to gain that right.