
时间:2020-03-19 14:53:18 来源:网络

【摘要】 随着新冠病毒的传播,全国纷纷伸出援手。相信大家都在密切关注新冠病毒的消息:2020年中考热点:新冠肺炎英语知识点整理。以下是2020年中考热点:新冠肺炎英语知识点整理,一起来看看吧


冠状病毒(coronavirus)是一类主要引起呼吸道、肠道疾病(respiratory and intestinal diseases)的病原体。这类病毒颗粒的表面有许多规则排列的突起(a fringe of bulbous surface projections ),整个病毒颗粒就像一顶帝王的皇冠(royal crown),因此得名“冠状病毒”。冠状病毒除人类以外,还可感染猪、牛、猫、犬、貂、骆驼、蝙蝠、老鼠、刺猬等多种哺乳动物以及多种鸟类(mammals and birds)。


2019-nCoV, as it's been labelled, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans.


Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven) are known to infect people.



新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus/new strain of coronavirus

呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases

禽流感病毒 avian influenza virus

密切接触者 close contacts

潜伏期 incubation period

疑似病例 suspected case

确诊病例 confirmed case

得肺炎 get/catch pneumonia

接受医学观察 under medical observation

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation

病毒爆发 virus outbreak

遏制疫情爆发 contain the outbreak

严格隔离政策 strict isolation policy

携带病毒 carrying the virus

超级传染源 superspreader

医疗费用报销 reimbursement for medical expenses

中国大部分地区口罩供应紧张 tight supplies in large areas of China

人传人 human-to-human transmission

医务人员感染 infection of medical worker


Scientists believe an animal source is "the most likely primary source" but that some human-to-human transmission has occurred.


Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms,fever, cough,shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.



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