
时间:2017-11-13 14:12:59 来源:

【摘要】 翻译网权威发布2019英语翻译资格考试口译初级模拟试题及答案2,更多2019英语翻译资格考试口译初级模拟试题及答案2相关信息请访问英语翻译资


The economic restructuring is conducive to the development of the poor areas. At this time when there is an increasingly fierce competition in both domestic and foreign markets, China is devoting major efforts to adjusting and optimizing its industrial structure. The developed regions, on the one hand, have quickened the pace of upgrading their industries and energetically developing capital- and technology-intensive industries. On the other hand, in order to improve the competitiveness of their industries, they are transferring some labor- intensive industries to the less-developed areas.

  The poor areas, mostly situated in the central and western parts of China, have relatively rich resources and cheap labor. It is fully possible for the western region to import capital and technology, and accept transferred industries, so as to improve the position of poor areas in the division of regional industries and quicken the change of local industrial structure and economic development.





  ①economic restructuring


  ③capital- and technology-intensive

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