
时间:2017-11-13 13:48:08 来源:

【摘要】 托福网权威发布2017年5月27日托福阅读真题回忆,更多2017年5月27日托福阅读真题回忆相关信息请访问托福考试(TOEFL)网。2017年5月27日托福阅



Passage One


题目:Venice: An Empire on the Sea

内容回忆:1. Water is the source of prosperity in Venice. Venice has several natural advantages.

2. Apart from natural advantages, Venice’s achievement in

trade also contributes to its success.

3. Government’s power and Venice style of republicanism

4. Commercial families


1.   lucrative-profitable

2.   distinctions-differences

3.   elaborate-complicated

4.   persuasively-convincingly




Passage Two


题目:The Print Revolution

内容回忆:1. 宗教革命与打印机息息相关。

2. printing与papermaking 的联系

3. printing与goldsmithing 的联系

4. printing依然spread widely

5. 详细说明了printing revolution带来的种种影响


1.   allied-related

2.   compilations-collections

3.   dispersed-spread




Passage Three


题目:Effects of Plate Tectonics on Species

内容回忆:1. Plate Tectonics主要影响climate和地理

2. 形成的province越多,物种多样性越高

3.对于wind和sea currents有影响,从而影响物种分布

4. 南方物种被北方来的迁徙类物种代替,而南方却很少迁徙到北方去。


1.   resultant-consequent

2.   parallels-matches

3.   profound-very strong

4.   shallow-having little depth




Passage Four


题目:Extinctions at the End of Cretaceous(2019年10月28日,以及150614CN-P3)

内容回忆:1. It has long been recognized that the dinosaurs disappeared from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous period. And many other organisms disappeared at about the same time.

2. On land it was not only the large animals that became extinct.  The mammals, most of which were small, lost some 35 percent of their species worldwide. Plants were also affected. 

3. Furthermore, it is most likely that these large dinosaurs had slow rates of reproduction, which always increases the risk of extinction. Crocodiles, tortoises, birds, and insects seem to have been little affected. 后面讨论了幸存的原因。

4. 单细胞生物幸存的原因

5. 找到a rare metal, iridium, 证明iridium spike was due to a large asteroid that struck  Earth 65 million years ago.


1. recognized-accepted

2. simultaneously-at the same time

3. dismissed-rejected

4. elevated-high



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