
时间:2017-11-13 13:48:06 来源:

【摘要】 托福网权威发布2017年5月27日托福口语真题回忆,更多2017年5月27日托福口语真题回忆相关信息请访问托福考试(TOEFL)网。2017年5月27日托福口



Task 1

Your friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends. What advice would you give your friend?


Task 2

You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?


Task 3


标题:Dormitory Study Rooms


原因1:Lounges for entertaining aren’t suitable for studying because it is very noisy there for the students who want to read.

原因2:Equipping the study room with computers and printers would be better and convenient to student.



原因一: 如果在个人宿舍,室友会看电视聊天会很吵。如果有专门的study room就可以看书什么的。

原因二:不是所有学生都有电脑和打印机。如果他们需要用的话就要去student center,但有时他们会很晚student center都关门了。所以如果宿舍楼有电脑和打印机的话会特别方便。


Task 4



标题: Rational Ignorance

定义:When people decide to buy something less important, they are not willing to take time and energy to consider carefully because they think it is not worthy.


例子:The professor uses his own example to illustrate this. When he bought his car, he used to spend a lot of time doing research. But when he bought batteries, even there are five brands and they are different in some ways, he didn’t read the descriptions or ask sales questions. He just picked up the first one he saw and paid.


Task 5

问题:The woman’s friend is going to give a speech on graduation ceremony and is nervous about it. So she wants the woman to attend the ceremony so she will feel more confident. But woman will finish her exams one week earlier that that and she already bought flight ticket.

解决方案1:She can reschedule the flight.

优点1:She can attend her friend’s graduation ceremony.

缺点1:She needs to pay extra 75 dollars and many other expenses.

解决方案2:She can help her friend prepare the speech before she goes.

优点2:She can go home as planned. Preparing in advance will help her friend avoid to be nervous on the ceremony.

缺点2:Her friend will be disappointed because her friend really wants her to attend the graduation ceremony.


Task 6

话题:Plants avoid sunlight

要点1:other objects

例子1:When vines seek for trees or building, they grow in dark shadow until they surpass the top of the tree or building.


例子2:Bean plants will turn their leaves side up, exposing the thin edge to the intense sunlight to avoid losing too much water in the middle of the day.

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