
时间:2017-11-13 13:48:01 来源:

【摘要】 托福网权威发布2017年6月25日托福考试口语真题回忆,更多2017年6月25日托福考试口语真题回忆相关信息请访问托福考试(TOEFL)网。2017年6月25



Task 1

If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community, which of the following people will you choose? Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.

Task 2

Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

Task 3


标题:A letter suggests that university should not allow students to sleep on the couches in the library.

原因1:They will occupy the space where other students need to study.

原因2:Visitors sometimes come to the campus and make campus tours. If they see this they will think this university is not very serious.




原因1: Students can always find place to study, they can sit on the chairs and chairs are as comfortable as couches.

原因2:When visitors come. If they see this they will think those students are really hard with their work and they are just so tired and they have a short break on the couches.

Task 4


标题:Ambient advertising

定义:Ambient advertising refers to an advertising strategy which using creative and unexpected ways to advertise the products.


例子:A snack bar make a deal with the train company and post the advertisement on the train, so compared with ads on books and magazines, people are more likely to see these ads and they may come to the snack bar to have something to eat. Snack shop in the train station also prints ads on the train tickets, in this way more customers will come to the shop.

Task 5

问题:The girl is going to give a gift to her advisor who helped her a lot within her study. But she doesn't know what gift to choose.

解决方案1:She can but some coffee tickets.

缺点1:She would like to send something special to her advisor. But the coffee tickets are not special.

解决方案2:She is going to buy a book which her advisor is interested in.

缺点2: But the book is sold online and its price is about $50, so it is too expensive.

Task 6

话题: Two effects of temperature regulation of plants

要点1:Help plants survive in cold weather.

例子1:A kind of plants keep their flowers and leaves warm in early spring, when the weather is still cold, and its warm temperature can melt the snow.

要点2: Help plants reproduce.

例子2: Another plants keep themselves warm to attract insects which help carry pollen. When it is cold, insects will have a rest on these flowers, and in this way the plants are then pollinated.

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