
时间:2020-02-06 15:15:09 来源:网络

【摘要】 虽然2月雅思考试不能如期举行但是备考工作不能搁置,只有辛勤的付出才会有丰厚的回报。下面是雅思口语范文分享:Walk的具体内容,希望对备考生有所帮助。


You should say:

- where and when you walk

- what you see on this walk

- who you walk with

and explain why you walk.

Part 3

Walking and health

Do many people in China go for walks?

How do you think walking is beneficial to health?

Are there any disadvantages to walking?

Do you think that playing sport is better for your health than walking? Do you think people in the past walked more than people today, or less?

What is the relationship between people’s standard of living and the amount of walking they do?

Compare the amount of walking that rural people, such as farmers do with the amount of walking that city people do.


I usually walk in a beautiful park trail that goes into the woods in the evening with my parents. There are artificial wooden bridges over streams and there is a lot of wildlife to observe, like parrots and magpies. On both sides of this river are parks with many different exercise equipments for the public to use. There are also paved walk ways that run down the sides of the stream on both sides for people to use as walk ways or to jog on.

I like walking for several reasons. For one thing, walking is a kind of aerobic exercise. It makes me feel like living in the air and it can burn body fat while building leaner muscle. For another, it can improve mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression. Moreover, talking some interesting things happened every day while walking with my parents makes me feel we bound together. Also, with all the beautiful natural sceneries I feel relaxed and happy.


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