雅思口语范文分享:A Trip

时间:2020-02-06 15:06:20 来源:网络

【摘要】 虽然2月雅思考试不能如期举行但是备考工作不能搁置,只有辛勤的付出才会有丰厚的回报。下面是雅思口语范文分享:A Trip的具体内容,希望对备考生有所帮助。

疫情的爆发导致很多城市都宣布封城控制疫情扩散,2月的雅思考试也宣布暂时取消,虽然2月雅思考试不能如期举行但是备考工作不能搁置,只有辛勤的付出才会有丰厚的回报。下面是雅思口语范文分享:A Trip的具体内容,希望对备考生有所帮助。

You should say:

- when it happened

- where you were traveling to

- who you were traveling with

and explain why it took longer than you expected.

Part 3

Travelling in the City

What kind(s) transport would you recommend for people who want to travel around in your hometown?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?

How do you think transportation in cities will change in the future?

Long-Distance Travel

Do people in your country generally prefer to go on long trips or short trips? (Why?)

What effects does long-distance travel have on people?

How would you feel if you had the chance to travel in space?


Last year I went to Yunnan with my family and it was really a trip that took longer than I expected.

It took longer than I expected due to several reasons. The first one was because of massive delays. For one thing, the airplane delays for more than 8 hours for no reason which was the most ridiculous one and annoyed me a lot. I remembered I read an entire book and played video games but still can’t kill the time. For another, when I arrived at the destination, the hotel was still not ready for us to check in and we wasted another 2 hours. The second reason was travelling in Yunnan was totally different from what I had expected. I thought Yunnan was a quiet city with marvelous natural sceneries but when I arrived there I was shocked by the huge number of tourists. No matter where I went I had to take a deep breath. I don’t feel natural and I can’t focus here. Anyway, it was really an awful trip. If I could choose again I would rather stay at home.

以上就是雅思口语范文分享:A Trip的具体内容,我们将根据疫情防控的进展情况,动态更新并通知2020年2月后雅思考试的报名和考试安排,大家也要注意安全,尽量避免外出,更多资讯关注考必过网站。

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