
时间:2020-01-16 19:35:20 来源:

【摘要】 翻译考试是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定,对个人价值有着中重要意义,下面是2010年3月高级口译NTGF-中华考试网,有准备参加考试的备考生一定要抓紧时间,做好充足的考前准备。2010年3月高级口译NTGF-中华考试网的详细内容如下:


crime in New York Cityrisingdroppingdifferent reasons what caused ittipping pointinfluentialcontagiouschangetriggersbig---smallimpressedbroken windowssensitiveenvironmentalinvitationvandalize symbolisescares, in charge, watching.different ideapast 25 yearsConservativesmoral failure, deep, and intrinsic, hearts and souls and brains Conservative topology,insensitive to their environmentacutely sensitiveby making subtle changes encourage and induceperfect test caseclean up, complete messa big disciplethe first thing he does, is he picks up all the litter, the second thing he does is he cleans up the graffitijump a turnstilekilling, and robbing, and assaulting, and raping each othercriminalitydramaticallythe message


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