
时间:2020-01-13 13:30:24 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加公共英语考试的考生们,考试时间渐渐临近,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题-公共英语三级写作,希望能够帮助大家通过公共英语考试。关于2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题-公共英语三级写作的具体内容如下:

  公共英语考试-全国英语等级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。笔试试卷和口试试卷都使用英文指导语。考必过为帮助考生顺利通过考试,特别整理了公共英语考试三级模拟试题供考生参考,更多备考资料可关注网校公共英语频道或点击网站右下角在线客服咨询!祝各位考生顺利通过考试!所有备考资料内容均来源于网络,仅供考生参考学习!   写作A:   If you want to apply for the position of accounting assistant,please write to a company according to the following information:   1.the position you apply for;   2.your work experience;   3.the reason for your leaving the present company;   4.the treatment you expect to get from the new company.   Reference text:   Dear sir:   I wish to apply for a position with your company as an assistant accountant.I am twenty-six years old and at present employed by the Island Company,where I have been for the past two years.Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co.,where it was nearly three years.   My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there is no future opportunity in my present position.I wish to serve in a large company like yours,to provide me with ample opportunities to learn new things.   I can give you references from both these firms as to my character and ability as an accountant.My present salary is$2,600 a month and I would not care to accept less in another position,but I am willing to start at the same salary,provided there is an opportunity for advancement.Yours faithfully,   写作B:   Lori.Schneider knows a few things about fear."We were crossing a ridge that dropped off 8,000 feet on both sides,"says the 53-year-old climber of ascending Mount Everest last spring."The wind was blowing at 60 miles an hour.If there was ever a moment to panic,this was it."   But she didn't.An hour later,she reached the peak-the last step in her personal challenge to scale the highest mountains on all seven continents.   Ten years earlier,she'd come face-to-face with a different type of fear,when she was unable to feel anything in the right side of her body.After learning she had multiple sclerosis(MS)-a serious illness that gradually makes a person weak and unable to move or see,she left her marriage,job,and home:“I ran from my whole life.”   It was just before climbing South America's Mount Aconcagua in 2000 that she set her sights on the Seven Summits.After training by pulling 50-pound bags of dog food up the ski slopes near her home,she topped Europe's Mount Elbrus in 2002,North America's McKinley in 2006,and Australia's Kosciuszko and Antarctica's Vinson Massif in 2008.She'd scaled Africa's Kilimanjaro in 1993.That left Asia's Everest,the highest of all.   And there she stood,on a ridge at 28,800 feet."When I trained,I told myself to take one step at a time by spelling out words,"she says."So I spelled out'Don't let fear in.'"It got her to the top.   She's the first person with MS to conquer the Seven Summits.With her condition stable,she plans a return to Kilimanjaro-this time with 15 others with Ms by her side.   Reference text:   Lori Schneider,a 53-year-old woman,is the first person with multiple sclerosis to scale the highest mountains on the Seven Summits.It's actually a difficult thing,even for a healthy man.How on earth did she overcome fear?   Firstly,we should learn to calm down while meeting some urgent situations.Fear may bring physical and mental torture.If we are in panic,the chance of success will slip away.   Secondly,it's important to know certain ways to conquer fear.Psychological hint is a good way.Just as Lori Schneider did,you can repeat to yourself“Don't let fear in.”   Finally,we should think over the situation.Asking for help may be beneficial.Of course,most of the time we must depend on ourselves.   In a word,we should have a strong mental quality to conquer fear.We need learn to be stronger.  


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