
时间:2020-01-09 15:04:56 来源:

【摘要】 翻译考试是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定,对个人价值有着中重要意义,下面是2012年11月翻译考试二级口译实务试题点评-汉译英2-中华考,有准备参加考试的备考生一定要抓紧时间,做好充足的考前准备。2012年11月翻译考试二级口译实务试题点评-汉译英2-中华考的详细内容如下:




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难词:中 华 考 试 网地震学家和气象学家 seismologist and meteorologist

In the past three decade, the only thing I did in America was making fastest supercomputer for our seismologists and meteorologists so that they can engage in complicated computing and researches with the quickest means.

在口译中,句型的变化和弹性非常关键,这个句子中的so that 可以起到换一口气的作用,同时也给了句子新的人称做主语。

简单的说,云计算是一种基于因特网的超级计算模式。是指有感知,有互联,有协作,随时随地感知任何事物。 A simple explanation for cloud computing is that it is a super computing model based on the Internet. Cloud computing is a model that can perceive, interconnect, cooperate and feel anything at any time and place.


para 3



For example, scientist can use cloud computing to predict natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, drought and sandstorms. It will be much better to have earlier and more accurate warnings. In addition, we can also apply the technique to disasters resulting from human activities, such as environmental hazard, financial crisis, resource shortages, even coups and wars.

Para 5

云计算还可以带来教育互动,将教育普及到世界每个角落,使资源得到有效利用。云计算还可能进入智慧家庭,甚至影响我们下一代的社会价值观。用云计算带动他们从小开始做公益,帮助他人。我希望在云计算的新社会里,新的智慧家庭会有新的突破。 Cloud computing also brings forth interactions in education. It can disseminate education everywhere in the world and use the resource more effectively. Cloud computing can also make its way in our smart home and shape the outlooks of our next generation. Cloud computing teaches the young to act for public good and help others. It is my wish to see new breakthroughs in the new smart homes of communities supported by cloud computing.


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