2017年商务英语高级考前练习题及答案(3) -中华考试网

时间:2020-01-09 12:45:22 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加商务英语考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2017年商务英语高级考前练习题及答案(3) -中华考试网,希望能够助力商务英语考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2017年商务英语高级考前练习题及答案(3) -中华考试网的具体内容如下:


  Questions 21 -30

  Read the article from the Chairman’s statement in a pharmaceutical company’s annual report

  Choose the correct word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page .

  For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet .

  There is an example at the beginning , (0)

  Charman’s Statement

  Two year ago we undertook to increase our sales and to at least (10) our earnings. We published this (21) in order to demonstrate our resolve to lead the business successfully through the demanding period following the expiry of patents which had given us the exclusive right to develop two of our major products.

  I am very please to (22) that we achieved what we set (23) to do. We have achieved increased of 4% and 6% in sales and earnings (24) this comes despite considerable losses (25) the expiry of the patents. It is testimony to the depth and vitality of our portfolio of medicines that we have been able to survive the largest single patent expiry our industry has known.

  Looking further ahead, I firmly believe that this company can continue to deliver strong , sustainable growth, enabling us to stay at the (28) of the research-based pharmaceutical industry.

  The power and pace of technological and scientific development, combined with economic and social pressures, are (29) huge changes in our industry, the successful companies of the future will be those that anticipate and (30) to this change, integrate new technologies effectively, and are closest to their customers. I have full confidence in our ability to remain a major player in our industry.

  21 A warranty B obligation C commitment D contract

  22 A inform B specify C notify D report

  23 A in B out c aside D up

  24A respectively B serially C consecutively D sequentially

  25 A pursuing B resulting C following D depending

  26 A contribution B donation C investment D subsidy

  27 A numbers B figures C sums D points

  28 A foreground B forefront C lead D advance

  29 A forcing B impelling C urging D thrusting

  30 A meet B suit C correspond D respond


  PART 4

  21-25 C D B A C 26-30 A B B A D

以上就是考必过为大家整理的2017年商务英语高级考前练习题及答案(3) -中华考试网的具体内容。所谓未来,其实只是过去的堆砌,堆砌昨天便有了今天,堆砌今天便有了明天,堆砌明天便是未来。最后,考必过预祝大家在未来的商务英语考试中能够取得优异的成绩!

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