
时间:2020-01-09 12:35:36 来源:

【摘要】 翻译考试是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定,对个人价值有着中重要意义,下面是英语世界:成功并不是那么遥不可及-中华考试网,有准备参加考试的备考生一定要抓紧时间,做好充足的考前准备。英语世界:成功并不是那么遥不可及-中华考试网的详细内容如下:

1. Don’t make excuses


Sometimes you might find yourself in the midst of an unfair situation. In such a situation, it’s easy to make excuses and most people do. But winners are different. They don’t make excuses or blame the situation. Instead, they focus on what they can do to get the most out of it.


2. Be comfortable being uncomfortable


Like it or not, growing in life often means moving out of your comfort zone. Why? Because in order to grow you need to expand your personal capacity and that requires you to take on new challenges. For that reason, you need to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Only then can you do the things that are necessary for your personal growth.


3. Have a strong desire to perform and excel


For the winners, simply meeting the standard is not enough. Their goal is exceptional performance. Whatever it is you are doing, strive to become the best that you can be.


4. Focus; one step at a time


To get things done, you need focus. But it’s difficult to do that if you look at the whole thing. So you should instead focus on just the current small step that you are in.


5. Don’t dwell on past mistakes


Winners make mistakes just like other people, but what makes them different is their attitude toward mistakes. They don’t dwell on them nor let them hinder their actions. Instead, they learn their lessons, block the negative thoughts, and move on.



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