
时间:2020-01-09 07:40:04 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加雅思考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2018年4月26日雅思听力预测,希望能够帮助大家通过雅思考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2018年4月26日雅思听力预测的具体内容如下:



  Section 1

  V100605 s1 Completion/Multiple Choice

  1.Type of holiday: surfing

  2.Meal : includes breakfast

  3.Facilities : gym

  4.: 360

  5.A shared room

  6.Type of insurance : Basic

  7.: 75

  8.Price : 42.50

  9.Cheapest transport : taxi

  10.Pay by : cheque

  Section 2

  V100605 s2 Completion/Multiple Choice

  11. local hero

  12. European painting

  13. learning zone

  14. restaurant

  15. shop

  16. historical photograph

  17. cinema zone

  18. A sicience centre

  19. 1aduls+2children

  20. B three days

  Section 3

  V100605、V50109S3 s3 Multiple Choice


  21 B

  A. German for science is too difficult.  

  B. she doesn’t grasp the skill to learn independently

  C. she is too busy to learn

  22. What did lvan do in the library? A. sort out the timetable

  B. read newspapers C. send e-mail

  23: A too many people in the library.


  Some suggestions are given by the professor.

  Medium Methods


  24. global listening skill to grasp key word

  l25. stop the tape to predict the contents

  26. dictation to develop listening skills

  27. prepare note-taking skills.


  --28.eye contacts

  --distance between people

  cover the video 29. subtitles

  Satellite TVwatch TV chat show

  Section 4

  V100605 s4 Completion


  Amber( )


  31. amber produces resin to protect itself against insects and fungi

  32. Some resin has colors because?

  It was formed from volcanic dust and mineral in soil.

  33. The condition to from amber include pressure, heat and time.

  34. The mid-product copal was formed during?

  intermediate stage ( intermediate)

  35. The ancient Greek believes that water and air found in the amber was trapped sunlight.

  37. Here is a special one in every 1000100


  38. it can be used to make jeweler ,necklace, but should be set in silver settings

  39. when it was mingled with powder and honey, the medicine can prevent the disease such a plague honey.

  40. it can be also used as building material. (building material)






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