
时间:2021-08-23 10:52:10 来源:网络

【摘要】 雅思考试刚结束,小编就发现有朋友吐槽,说这次的雅思考试连我一个英专生都害怕,小编整理了关于“8月21日雅思写作思路及范文分享”的信息,一起来看下“8月21日雅思写作思路及范文分享”的内容吧!





Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




driving force 推动力

justified 正当合理的

in terms of 在某方面

in a good position 具备有利条件

mobilize 发动

coordinate 协调

accomplish 完成

strategic value 战略价值

beyond the capacity 超出能力范围

confidential information 机密信息

national security 国家安全

financial burden 财政负担

budget 预算

impose 施加

mechanism 机制

facilitate 促进

play a leading role 发挥主导作用

take an active part 积极参与


Scientific research is the driving force behind a country’s economic development and social progress, so some people believe that it is the government rather than private companies that should be responsible for doing scientific research. This viewpoint is justified to some extent.

Compared with private companies, the government has the advantage in terms of organizing and carrying out scientific projects. Some projects are so huge that they require the participation of thousands of researchers and the cooperation of various institutes. The government is in a good position to mobilize and coordinate the resources all over the country in order to accomplish these projects. Some projects are of strategic value for the long-term development of the country, involving large investment but generating little profit in the short term. For example, the outer space programs must be organized by the government and they are beyond the capacity of any single private company. Moreover, for some projects containing confidential information that is vital to the national security, they should certainly be controlled by the government.

However, the investment in scientific research may cause a financial burden on taxpayers in some countries. People expect the government to spend the limited budget on public services that are more closely related to their welfare. To relieve the financial pressure imposed on the government, it is reasonable to introduce private companies into scientific research programs. Although private companies tend to be driven by economic benefits, they have a mechanism to apply the result of the research to the production, and the income generated can be used to facilitate the further development of scientific research.

To sum up, the government should play a leading role in scientific research, while in some programs private companies can also take an active part.

(292 words)


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