
时间:2021-08-23 10:15:40 来源:网络

【摘要】 受新冠疫情影响,8月多地取消托福考试,一起来看下21号上午场的托福写作吧。小编整理了关于“8月21日(上午场)托福写作思路分析”的信息,一起来看下“8月21日(上午场)托福写作思路分析”的内容吧!



1. 什么是重要或者严重的问题?

2. 从科技角度分析,能否解决?

3. 从政府角度分析,能否解决?

4. 把时间往回推导 10年前、20年前、30年前来看,那个时候最重要的问题是什么?现在是如何解决的?





Currently, opinions are mixed regarding the most important problems affecting our society and whether they could be solved has sparked ongoing controversy. For me, I think some knotty issues could be addressed in the not-so-distant future for two main reasons.

Firstly, one serious problem is generally the low morale and low productivity of young people, who are faced with the rising cost of living as well as high expectations from their parents. Among all sorts of living costs, the lion's share is the soaring price of houses but this problem could be tackled by governmental financial support. Obviously, exorbitant prices of housing mean a lot of pressure on the younger generation, so a large proportion of their disposable incomes has to be set aside for their rents and housing loans. In this case, if the government decides to introduce policies to limit the soaring price, the entire real estate market will gradually evolve to become more normalized. As the housing price drops, this means more houses will be made affordable to the younger generation. Such increased affordability could ease their overall burden, bring individual happiness, and thus create a greater sense of satisfaction with the government. Predictably, as the youngsters' morale increases, they could be more positive toward their life and work harder.

Moreover, another grave problem is air pollution caused by fossil fuels but this problem is being alleviated by the advancement of technology. At present, the harsh reality is that our lives are heavily dependent on the use of traditional energy sources. It is not uncommon to have our homes heated by burning coal and our cars fueled by gasoline. This lifestyle leads to a mass of ashes and gases that seriously affect air quality and damage our environment, which is further compounded by the immature technology of renewable energy. If scientists of many countries made joint efforts to research new energy sources, those renewables would gradually shape the landscape we live in. For example, research on wind power can help improve energy efficiency in areas where power-generating facilities like wind turbines exist. Increased accessibility of renewables could eventually enable a combination of green energy and traditional sources. This means that in a matter of a few years, harmful gases like SO2 are cleared out of the atmosphere, successfully meeting the target of environmental protection.

In conclusion, based on the factors discussed above, those important problems affecting our society could be resolved within our lifetime.


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