
时间:2021-08-20 10:22:24 来源:网络

【摘要】 有很多同学给小编留言说,这次的大作文很奇怪,考试考伤心了。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年(8月14日)雅思作文思路解析及范文”的信息,一起来看下“2021年(8月14日)雅思作文思路解析及范文”的内容吧!



Increasing number of developing countries are expanding tourism industries. Why? Is it a positive development?

continuously expanding 不断扩大

the influx of tourists 游客的涌入

attributed to 归因于;被认为是…所为

massive developing nations


the main underlying motivation


extending their tourism enterprises


immense potential and benefits


the hope for a thriving economy


bring foreign revenues to a nation


economy-related sectors flourish


fueling a more prosperous economy


These include but are not limited to


greater demand for local food and crafts


Tourism has been continuously expanding in massive developing nations. This can be attributed to various factors, and it is, in general, a positive development.

To start with, the expansion of tourism industries in the majority of developing countries in the world can be owed to the hope for a thriving economy. Tourism is no doubt one of the most effective methods to bring foreign revenues to a nation. Travelers are fascinated by beautiful sceneries and unique experiences, which is why more and more developing countries are focusing on constructing and renovating tourist attractions. As a result, with the influx of tourists from all parts of the world, economy-related sectors flourish, namely, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, recreation, and so on, fueling a more prosperous economy.

This is no doubt a positive development as we can expect the economy to flourish dramatically brought by developing the tourism industries. These include but are not limited to a huge number of jobs especially in service sectors, which resolves the high unemployment rate in the country. New facilities such as roads also benefit the locals for a more convenient travel to distant destinations. There is also greater demand for local food and crafts, attracting new entrepreneurs, and well-kept local traditions and customs, among many others. All of these tourism expansions generate huge profits for the economy.

In conclusion, the main underlying motivation as to why an increasing number of developing states are extending their tourism enterprises is that they understand the immense potential and benefits of the tourism industry to a nation’s economy. Considering how other vital national sectors prosper because of tourism expansion, this is no doubt a positive development.


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