
时间:2021-07-27 15:20:00 来源:网络

【摘要】 人生,其实一直在自己的手里,在自己的心里,在自己的 生命 里。小编为大家整理了关于“2021年7月托福考试练习题(7 26)”的信息,一起来看下“2021年7月托福考试练习题(7 26)”的内容吧!



Task 1

1. Among the following jobs, which do you think is the most interesting one and why? Airplane pilot, actor, detective.

2. Which volunteer work do you prefer? Clean up the park, build bike trails or plant trees in the city.

3. Which of the following art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood sculpture, painting or photography?

4. Describe a celebration you recently attended? Did all the people have a good time on that day?

5. If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide or a library assistant? Why?

6. What program would you like to participate in? Teaching kids how to recycle, how to do gardening or how to eat healthier?

7. Please describe one characteristic of a house or apartment that you think will make it a good place to live.

8. Suppose your friend is going to a job interview. What suggestions do you have for him?

9. Among studying, exercising and going shopping. Which one would you like to do alone and why?

10. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class you will choose to take? A financial course to help you manage money, car maintenance and repair, review of Latin-American music.


1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.

2. Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students' learning?

3. Some people like to study alone while other prefer to study in a group. Which one do you think is more effective?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.

5. some teenagers take part in kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support?

6. The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way?

providing a room for quiet study;

building an exercise room;

providing entertainment place(watch film).

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

primary school is considering spend more time on teaching young student technology(like computer)than teaching music and art.

8. A best leader should listen to other people's opinions or insist his personal ideas?

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.

10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people should try different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.


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