
时间:2021-07-26 14:51:14 来源:网络

【摘要】 在托福口语考试中,考生要尽量避免语法错误,考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021托福语法:常见托福语法错误”的信息,一起来看下“2021托福语法:常见托福语法错误”的内容吧!


1.动词原形做主,宾,表,宾补等名词性的成分。例如:Swim is my favorite sport. My goal is pass the exam.

改正为:Swimming is my favorite sport. My goal is to pass the exam(注意goal, purpose, dream 等词表示尚未实现的动作,要用不定式).

2.There be 和 has用法混淆。例如:There have a lot of trees in the park.

改正为:There are a lot of trees in the park. 或者The park has a lot of trees in it.

3.可数名词单独使用。例如:Cellphone is useful. I like playing computer game.


Cellphones are useful. I like playing computer games. 也可以在单数可数名词前加上限定词如this,that;代词所有格如 his, her; 或者加上冠词the, a, an.

4.主谓不一致。例如:She don’t know what to do.

动词的三单形式最是容易被忽略,改正为:She doesn’t know what to do.

5.比较级乱用。例如:Biking is more healthier than driving a car. It is more easy to search informationonline.


改为:Biking is healthier than driving a car. It is easier to search information online.

6.一个句子里有多个动词。例如:I want go to bed. I like dance and sing.


I want to go to bed. I like dancing and singing.


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