
时间:2021-07-21 18:07:32 来源:网络

【摘要】 星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年7月托福阅读句子练习(7 18)”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年7月托福阅读句子练习(7 18)”的内容吧!


1. The electrical discharge takes place when the attractive tension between a region of negatively charged particles and a region of positively charged particles becomes so great that the charged particles suddenly rush together.

2. At such temperatures, the collision between the ice pellets and the ice crystals causes electrical charges to shift so that the ice pellets acquire a negative charge and the ice crystals become positively charged. Then updraft wind currents carry the light, positively charged ice crystals up to the top of the cloud.The heavier negatively charged ice pellets are left to concentrate in the center. This process explains why the top of the cloud becomes positively charged, while the center becomes negatively charged.


3. Below this large,cold, negatively charged region, the cloud is warmer than -15℃,and at these temperatures, collisions between ice crystals and falling ice pellets produce positively charged ice pellets that then populate a small region at the base of the cloud.


4. Most lightning takes place within a cloud when the chargese paration within the cloud collapses. However, as the storm cloud develops,the ground beneath the cloud becomes positively charged and lightning can take place in the form of an electrical discharge between the negative charge of the cloud and the positively charged ground.

5. Lightning that strikes the ground is the most likely to be destructive, so even though it represents only 20 percent of all lightning, it has received a lot of scientific attention.



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