2021雅思口语优秀范文:A Toy

时间:2021-07-15 14:08:04 来源:网络

【摘要】 雅思口语还是发愁,不知道说什么?考必过为大家精心整理了2021雅思口语优秀范文:A Toy的信息,希望能够帮助到大家。2021雅思口语优秀范文:A Toy的详细内容如下:

2021雅思口语优秀范文:A Toy

A Toy

I want to describe a toy in my childhood. Actually, it was not a girly toy. It is a model car.

When I was a kid, I acted like a boy and I was very interested in car models and guns. But my mother didn’t know that and she bought many dolls for me. To tell you the truth, my father found that I liked model cars, so he bought me one as a little present.

It’s as big as a book and the color was very bright, it was red. I think the car was cool and I liked it very much. I would always take it out and study it. I figured out many functions of the car. I felt it was amazing that people could invent this tool for transportation.

Since it was the gift that my father gave me, I kept it very carefully. Even now, it still looks like a brand new car. I think it’s very meaningful for a kid to own something that they like.

  以上就是2021雅思口语优秀范文:A Toy的详细内容,滴水能穿石,平时的积累和练习是你成功的基础。想获得更多考试信息请关注考必过网站。

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