
时间:2021-07-12 16:53:08 来源:网络

【摘要】 11日的托福考试已经结束,不知道大家考的怎么样呢?小编整理了“2021年7月11日托福写作思路解析及范文分享”的信息,一起来看下“2021年7月11日托福写作思路解析及范文分享”的内容吧!



To be more confident in discussions and meetings, which do you prefer?

1. preparing before

2. practicing techniques

3. ask experienced people for help
















People can experience various kinds of discussions and meetings for study or work all the time and a good performance on those meetings and discussions can usually leave a good impression on others and can help them with their future development. Thus it is natural for people to use different ways to enhance their performance as much as possible. Some people prefer to do plenty of preparations beforehand and some tend to ask others for help. However, from my perspective, it is actually the best way to do some practice on essential techniques.

First of all, practice can enhance people’s confidence. The reason why many people couldn’t have a good performance on meetings or discussions is not because they don’t have enough knowledge or skills. It is usually due to their nervousness. For example, some people may forget what they want to say when it is their turn; some people’s mind may turn blank when they stand up; some people cannot make use any of their techniques because of their nervousness. Thus it is crucial to do some practice before the meeting, which can greatly enhance their confidence and therefore, make them less nervous. It is because with more practice, people can become more familiar with the things they want to say and the skills they are going to use in the meeting and the more familiar people get, the more confident people usually are. As a result, it is sure that they can have a good performance in the meeting or discussion.

Furthermore, doing some preparations before may not be that helpful. It seems plausible that the more preparations people make, the better the performance will be. However, preparations may not be helpful sometimes. For instance, people may decide to do a large amount of preparations before the meeting, like searching for the information online, reading a lot of books on the topic, spending a large amount of time on making a well-designed PowerPoint, etc. All of those preparations may seem to give them a lot to say during the meeting and they could complete their task excellently. But the reality is that when it is their turn to report what they have got, they may be too nervous to even express half of their results. Eventually, the group members may lose interest and decide to move on with the meeting. Consequently, a good preparation may not ensure a good performance.

Last but not least, asking experienced people for help may not be practical. It is because everybody is busy in this world. Students are occupied with tons of courses and assignments to deal with and almost have no time for anything else; adults are busy with their jobs, families and so on and various responsibilities have made them hardly be able to squeeze even a few minutes for entertainment. In this case, when asking others for help, other people may not be able to spare much time to give detailed instructions, which means the help people receive may not be specific enough to be useful. For example, other people may just tell them to practice more or search for more information or read more books, instead of specific instructions like what information they should find or what books they should read or what pictures or words should be included in the PowerPoint and so on. So a successful performance cannot be based on the help from others.

To put in a nutshell, it is the best way to practice some skills before the meeting or discussion to ensure a good performance.


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