
时间:2021-06-24 17:58:29 来源:网络

【摘要】 6月的托福考试马上就要开始了,你准备好了吗?考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年(6月26日)托福口语预测”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年(6月26日)托福口语预测”的内容吧!



1. Some people like to use the Internet to inform themselves what is happening around the globe, while others like traditional sources of information like newspapers and magazines. What kind of person are you and why?

2. Some students like to attend big classes that have a lot of people studying together, while others like to attend small classes with limited numbers of students. Which do you prefer and why?

3. Some students prefer to take online classes, while others like studying in a classroom on campus. What is your preference and why?

4. Some people like to take pictures when they visit a museum, while others like to just appreciate the artwork displayed there. What kind of person are you and why?

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior but not to criticize their bad behavior.

6. Some universities require students to select majors in their freshman year, while other universities allow students to make such decisions some time later. Which do you think is better and why?

7. Some people like to hold parties, while others like to attend one. Which do you prefer and why?

8. Some people like to purchase digital products as soon as they are introduced to the market, while others prefer to buy them after they have been on the market for a while. Which type of person are you and why?


1, nerd & jock,常见于美国学生之间。nerd稍带揶揄,指那些聪明勤奋但很保守严肃,类似“书呆子”的学生。jock则指那些又帅又擅长体育运动的学生(也有girl jocks)。


3,hick & city slicker,分别是“城里人”和“村里人”对彼此的贬称。hick指“土包子”,city slicker指“城里老油条”。


5,yuppie(雅皮士)(young urban professionals)是指生活在大城市、受过高等教育、生活富裕的成功职业人士

6,couch potato,这个很多小伙伴都懂,指一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人。

7,mall rat则指没事儿老喜欢到大商场里去逛(但不买东西)的人。

8,fifth wheel,多余的、不受欢迎的人(备胎?)

9,spring chicken春天孵出的小鸡。意为“年轻人,缺乏经验的人”



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