
时间:2021-06-23 16:21:27 来源:网络

【摘要】 让你变好的事情,过程都不会是轻松的。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021中考在即:中考考前英语热点话题预测”的信息,一起来看下“2021中考在即:中考考前英语热点话题预测”的内容吧!


expert n. 专家

paddy n. 稻田

hybrid rice 杂交水稻

assistant n. 助手

lose one’s temper 生气;发怒

experimental field 试验田

achievement n. 成果

contribute v. 奉献;贡献

agriculture n. 农业

liver surgeon 肝胆外科手术

pass away 逝世

die of illness 死于疾病

mission n. 任务

Mars n. 火星

exploration n. 探索

radioactive adj. 放射性的

nuclear accident 核事故

nuclear leakage 核泄漏

smart city 智慧城市

launch a satellite 发射卫星

detection n. 探测

sample n. 样本;样品

genius n. 天才

orbit n. 轨道

ensure a safe landing 确保安全着陆

traditional adj. 传统的

primitive tribe 原始部落

census n. 人口普查

say farewell to 与……说永别

adapt to 适应

celebrate the anniversary of 庆祝……周年纪念

public transport 公共交通

garbage sorting 垃圾分类

the Sanxingdui Ruins 三星堆遗址

mysterious adj. 神秘的

extreme weather 极端天气

carbon emission 二氧化碳排放


At 1:02 pm on May 22, liver surgeon (肝脏外科医生) Wu Mengchao, 99, died in Shanghai. He is known as the founder of hepatobiliary (肝胆管的) surgery in the country and was the teacher of about 80% of the nation’s experts and doctors working on liver surgery today. Wu operated on thousands of patients, and saved at least 16,000 lives.

Five minutes later, with family members singing his favorite songs softly to him in Changsha, agricultural scientist Yuan Longping passed away at the age of 91. He was known as the father of hybrid rice who helped lift the nation out of hunger.

The two devoted their lives to saving and improving people’s lives. Together with generations of their students, they not only made a big difference to the lives of Chinese people, but also many living in other countries and least-developed countries.

Keeping that medical science is humanity, Wu would lose his temper in operating rooms even in his 90s when his assistants (助手) did not use the medicines with the best cost-performance to help patients save money.

Working in paddy (稻田) fields for decades, Yuan’s lifelong dream was always to make the Chinese people be able to fill their own bowls with rice. He was still asking about his experimental fields and the weather conditions during the last few days of his life.

What makes Wu and Yuan great is their love for the people. The public’s great grief at their deaths, which has been hardly seen in the country for decades, shows how much their down-to-earth dedication (奉献) to improving people’s lives touched hearts throughout the country.


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