
时间:2020-01-08 22:20:07 来源:

【摘要】 关注托福考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2019年5月11日托福写作考试真题及答案,希望能够帮助即将参加托福考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2019年5月11日托福写作考试真题及答案的详细内容如下:




  solar panels in space的作用(太空利用太阳能)


  Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which one do you prefer?




  1. 原因一:可以capture更多的太阳能,因为生产出的太阳能比较多,无云层和大气的遮蔽。

  2. 原因二:因为无尘,且陨石撞击可以事先追踪避免,所以不会有撞击。

  3. 原因三: 对环境好,因为对自然环境的危害比较小。

  听力: 反驳阅读的三个优点,均不成立。(住在地球更好)

  1. 一旦档板坏了不方便维修,出问题的概率很大。

  2. 粒子太小了,难以捕捉。且速度很快的话会产生很多热量,不是很protective.

  3. 会破坏ozone layer,有很多ultraviolet radiation,对人和动物都会造成很大的危害,所以根本不环保。



  choose: older children take care


  话题: 家庭教育类,生活类

  1. Culturally, older children have been entrusted with the role of the care-taker in a family of more than one child. This is because they are often told to take care of their little brothers or sisters by their parents. Adding that they see their parents in the same way, it is plainly easy for them to identify themselves as parents. For example, girls usually like to tell stories to their younger brothers and sisters, or feed them when their mothers are busy with housework. Boys are like superheroes protecting their flesh and blood from any potential danger. So under certain circumstances, older children are good helpers in nurturing.

  2. Furthermore, learning to nurture their younger family can help them better prepare for their adult life. Today, many children are spoiled and self-centered. Some of them are even indifferent to others. Consequently, they will have hard time socializing with others in future. In this respect, they are supposed to be taught how to be a responsible citizen. Even though they have very limited abilities in terms of taking care of others, this can make them more responsible and more thoughtful people. So this practice provides them an opportunity to grow up, not only grow old.

  3. Finally, older children also can enhance family relationship. Many working women have trouble keeping a healthy balance between their family and their work. They often complain about their husbands and have been sick and tired of endless housework and baby-sitting. In this situation, older children can be a good helper in a family, who can reduce their mothers’ workload by doing some small things, making a better family atmosphere. This is definitely a positive way to keep family members stay together. Moreover, they will harvest good relationship with their younger brothers and sisters.



  独立写作比较侧重学习生活中的抉择,是属于近期最常考的话题话题, 不是特别难,所以想取得较高的分数需要有一些亮点,无论在语言思路还是素材。重复了原题:2017年8月29日,多刷题!

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: These days, children spend more time in doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.

  3. Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.


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