
时间:2021-06-03 19:09:44 来源:网络

【摘要】 距离中考还有一个月了,考必过为大家精心整理了中考考前一个月英语冲刺计划:英语优秀满分作文一的信息,帮助大家在考试中有思路去解题答题,每天坚持进步一小步,中考迈进重点读,中考考前一个月英语冲刺计划:英语优秀满分作文一的详细内容如下:


My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful.


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