
时间:2021-05-24 17:54:46 来源:网络

【摘要】 高考在即,预祝所有考生实现自己的梦想。小编为大家整理了关于“2021年高考英语书面表达:人物推荐袁隆平”的信息,一起来看下“2021年高考英语书面表达:人物推荐袁隆平”的内容吧!


你的外国笔友Peter正在参加他们学校主办的” Famous People In The World”的征文活动,他想要介绍中国著名的杂交水稻之父袁隆平,并写信咨询你关于袁隆平的一些情况。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:







One possible version:

Dear Peter,

How delighted I am to hear from you and know that you will participate in an essay competition with the theme of Famous People In The World. And it’s very nice of you to choose Yuan Longping as your essay topic. I think it a great honor to tell you something about Dr. Yuan here.

Yuan Longping, the World Father of Hybrid Rice, who is one of the most world-famous Chinese scientists in agriculture, is a pioneer in the research and development of hybrid rice. Thanks to his efforts, not only has he solved the problem of food for Chinese thoroughly, but also the hunger problem in many countries has been significantly improved. Because of his devotion, he was awarded the World Food Prize and the 14th World Outstanding Chinese Award. Plus, Xi Jinping, the Chairman of China, awarded him the Medal of the Republic in September, 2019. Therefore, I do believe, if writing something about Yuan Longping, you will make it.

Finally, if there is anything else I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I can’t wait to receive your good news.


Li Hua


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