
时间:2021-05-08 14:01:01 来源:网络

【摘要】 5月8日的雅思考试答案已经出来啦,考试结束的考生可以来看一看!小编整理了关于“2021年(5月8日)雅思考试答案分享 ”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年(5月8日)雅思考试答案分享 ”的内容吧!



Part 1 求职


If you want to find a job:

First, you can be recommended by a friend

6. or read advertisement

7. or buy a newspaper

8. or visit an agency

Remember to bring when interview

9. can use a tutor as a referee

10. 填写feedback form

Part 2 答案缺失

Part 3 音乐对动物的治疗效果


21-25 选择

21. Mozart experiment led to

C. reassessment of music in education

22. finding with elephant experiment

B. it is not clear why elephants responded to music

23. no to use the elephant in their talk because

A. it is not from an academic source

24. what kind of music affect the monkey most in lab

B. human music mixed with monky calls

25. what impressed them most

B. hard work and determination

26-30 匹配

26. make musical instrument: E. hard to control

27. do music survey: C. similar to other lessons

28. music word games: G. too boring (not excited)

29. music and painting: B. it takes long time for preparation

30. music quiz: D. not enough questions

Part 4 纺织品设计


31. rugs made from wool

32. Brown is good at natural bird images

33. in the symbol of rain

34. based on symbols, structures, family, and nature

35. he started design in prison

36. design can be used in clothing

37. Jimmy’s inspiration comes from Australia, especially the desert

38. Jeans is famous because of lizards and a snake

39. Fabric’s background looks like a rainbow Fabric

40. couple case








Some people think that the best way to improve road transport safety is to let the driver test each year. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

以上就是考必过小编为大家整理的关于“2021年(5月8日)雅思考试答案分享 ”的相关信息,记得转发给你身边考试的小伙伴一起来讨论讨论吧~想了解更多考试最新资讯可以关注考必过。

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