【摘要】 不知道对完答案后,大家都考的怎么样呢?考必过小编为大家整理了关于“雅思考试答案:2021年雅思笔试答案(3月13日) ”的信息,一起来看下“雅思考试答案:2021年雅思笔试答案(3月13日) ”的内容吧!
Part 1 搬家
1. station road
2. apartment
3. report
4. flute 也有同学回忆为band
5. August
Part 2 旅游景点介绍
11-16 匹配
11. Place 1: garden on hill
12. Place 2: wild flower
13. Place 3: nature reserve
14. Place 4: deer
15. Place 5: old ruins
16. Place 6: birds
17-20 多选
17-18. 哪两种住宿适合每周去?
B. hostel
D. cottage
19-20. 会员享有哪两种福利?
B. magazines
D. tour guide
Part 3 实验课讨论
21-26 匹配
21. course of steam engine: B. too difficult
22. breakfast cereal: E. cheap
23. bounce balls: C. easy to understand
24. paper making: A. very boring
25. tie water experiment: H. time consuming
26. extract glue from milk: F. immediate result
27-30 图例
27. metal container: F 外壁右下角
28. integral refiner: D 外壁右上角
29. drip tip: B 瓶口凹处
30. pottery container: C 瓶子里最大的容器
Part 4 两组乌龟实验的比较
31-40 填空
31. living in a glass bottle covered with a layer of newspaper
32. open roof with sand
33. the diet based on foods in wild condition
34. increase in activity especially during feeding time
35. during the night and particularly in hot weather
36. stabilized temperature
37. increase in the average size
38. excessive loss of body fluids
39. causing weakness in their bones
40. no turtles suffer kidney problems
Music has always been and will continue to be a universal language to mankind. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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