
时间:2021-03-12 18:04:10 来源:网络

【摘要】 商务英语在生活中的占比越来越大了,尤其是口语中的对话部分。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年商务英语口语对话:识别标志”的信息,一起来看下“2021年商务英语口语对话:识别标志”的内容吧!


Conversation one

Do you drive a car yourself?

Yes,I just bought new car, I drive to work everyday!

Great! When you become new driver,you are better drive as carefully as possible!

Sure, I see safety is most important thing!

Accident is awful!I will take your advice!

Besides, traffic signal in downtown area are very annoying, are they?


You can't drive freely!

Now,we are out of the town,you can drive freely!

Compare with speaking,yes!

But things are not good as you expecting! Why not?

Can you see that road side help?

We are going to across real road. That's right.

We have to slow down again.

If we haven't meet the passing tree,we have to stop a car away.

What other signs what we see in road area like this?

There are a plenty of signs such as "Watch for childen!"


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